Contributing to ChemFOnt

1. Check whether the term already exists

Before you submit a new term request, confirm that the term is not already in the ChemFont ontology. To do this, use any of the text Search options on the main page or use the Browse option to browse through ChemFOnt’s data.

2. Gather as much necessary information as possible

Prior to requesting the change in ChemFOnt’s ontology, please gather all necessary information. In the request, please provide some background information regarding the reason for the request. Typical reasons for change requests include:

  • a) New Ontology term to be added to ChemFOnt
  • b) Edit an existing ChemFOnt term or set of terms
  • Adding synonyms, removing synonyms or changing synonyms
  • Changing the position of the ontology terms in the ChemFOnt hierarchy
  • Suggestions for clarifying terms and definitions

3. Communicate with the ChemFOnt developers and curators

  • The preferred way is to contact the ChemFOnt developers is at Please remember to provide a reason for any change request. Based on the change requested, ChemFOnt developers will contact the users via email.
  • Alternatively, please contact the ChemFOnt team with your request on the contact/Feedback page listed here:

For each change request, please provide as much background information as possible.